Install ODK Central on Oracle Cloud

Install ODK Central on Oracle Cloud


3 min read

This blog describes the installation steps for ODK Central on an Oracle Cloud Compute box.

ODK, or Open Data Kit, is an open-source platform used to build tools for collecting, managing, and using data in resource-constrained environments. It offers a set of free and customizable tools that allow users to create forms, collect data through mobile devices, and analyze the gathered information. ODK simplifies data collection, making it more efficient and accessible, particularly in areas with limited connectivity or technological resources.

Following these steps, please read my Collect Offline Form Submissions with ODK & Synchronize with APEX blog to setup a basic EMP Form. Submissions to this new form will appear in APEX


  1. Check you have a x86_64 processor (doesn't work on Ampere/Arm) Compute. I go for the Previous Gen VM.Standard.E2.1 as, for me, it's got the blend of performance and price πŸ˜‰ If you want something more meaty, go for the VM.Standard.E4.Flex

     uname -m

    Should return


    If not, do not continue with this guide until you have built an AMD Compute. Here is a guide on how to create one

  2. On you domain/dns settings, create a subdomain to ODK like this. I'm using Cloudflare

  3. Install Git

     sudo dnf install git -y
  4. Open ports 80 & 443 using this method by following this guide

  5. Install Docker-CE & Docker Compose by following this guide

  6. Install ODK Central

     # Download the software
     git clone
     # Go into the new central folder:
     cd central
     # Get the latest client and server:
     git submodule update -i
     # copy the settings template file so you can edit it
     cp .env.template .env
  7. Edit the env

     nano .env
  8. Change only the domain name & email address


  9. CTRL+X to save the file

  10. Touch the file upgrade file

    touch ./files/allow-postgres14-upgrade
  11. Build it (this took 6 mins on my E2.1)

    docker compose build
  12. Then compose it.

    docker compose up -d
  13. Wait 2 minutes and run this

    docker ps --filter "name=central-nginx-1"

    what we are looking for is for central-nginx-1 to say


    If it's starting, give it a few minutes. If it's restarting, then start to be concerned. Anything else is not good.

  14. When it is healthy, visit your domain name - just to test if it loads. Do not attempt to log in just yet.

  15. Modify this command to your email address and then run it.

    export EMAIL_ADDRESS=""
  16. Run the following and set a user/password. Tip: Make it a very complex password.

    docker compose exec service odk-cmd --email $EMAIL_ADDRESS user-create
  17. Make yourself an Admin

    docker compose exec service odk-cmd --email $EMAIL_ADDRESS user-promote
  18. You should now be able to log in

  19. If you forget your password just run

    export EMAIL_ADDRESS=""
    docker compose exec service odk-cmd --email $EMAIL_ADDRESS user-set-password
  20. ENJOY!

Whats the picture? A small wood near Burn Bridge. Visit Yorkshire!