Social Connections to APEX with Emulated Auth0 Organizations

Social Connections to APEX with Emulated Auth0 Organizations a Free Auth0 account, you may add up to 2 Social Connections. By adding these connections, new buttons appear. For example by adding Google, a new Sign in with Google button appears

This is great as it allows Google, Microsoft, Apple and more than 60 other supported connections to access your APEX applications.

What's not so great is if you are using the Emulated Organisation method in a SaaS approach (or just picky about who you let in), because it's going to let anyone in with a Social Account and you do not know which organisation to allocate them to or should they even access your application.

In the Organisations method, you do know the organisation, but basically, you want some control over who is accessing your application. i.e. just because they have a Social Account doesn't automatically mean they should be able to access your application.

This blog extends the Emulated Organisation method (which is a prerequisite before commencing) and will give you the following information:

  • How to Add a Social Connection to your Application

  • How to default the correct Role based on the Social Account email. For example:

    • I'll associate the WATER organisation with emails ending If my Social Account email ends in, it will automatically grant me the ORG:WATER role
  • Control access to my Application. For example

    • If my Social Account email is not recognised by any Organisation, then access will not be granted.

    • e.g. If I sign in with my account, then I will not be granted access

So how is Auth0 going to talk to my APEX Application? i.e. if a user logs in socially with, how is Auth0 going to

  • i. check if an Organisation exists for this domain and

  • ii. find the correct Role to attribute to this user.

Well, for this, we are going to create a secured REST Endpoint in our APEX Application and call it through the axios Node.JS library in an Auth0 Action. Don't worry this is quite simple: Node.JS is a part of Auth0 and we'll just include Axios as a dependency.


Complete the Emulated Organisation method as this blog extends it.

Database Configuration

  1. Add a domain column to your organisation table to represent allowed email domains

     alter table "ORGANISATION" add
     ("DOMAIN" VARCHAR2(255));
     alter table "ORGANISATION" add
     ("ROLE" VARCHAR2(255));
  2. Update the domain column on the Organisation table for records representing the allowed email domain for that organisation e.g

     UPDATE organisation 
        SET domain =  CASE secret_id 
                     WHEN 'WATER' 
                     THEN '' -- Your social domain
                     ELSE NULL 
            role = 'ORG:' || UPPER(secret_id)

    So that it looks like:

REST Configuration

  1. Click on SQL Workshop > RESTful Services

  2. We are going to create a REST Module for Auth0 to fetch the correct Role to use (ROLE) based on the User email (DOMAIN)

  3. Click on SQL Workshop > RESTful Services

  4. Register your schema for ORDS if not already

  5. Click Modules > Create Module

  6. For Module Name enter

  7. For Base Path enter

  8. Click Create Module

  9. Click Create Template

  10. In URI Template enter

  11. and then click Create Template

  12. Click Create Handler

  13. In Source Type, select Collection Query Item

  14. In Source type

    SELECT *
      FROM organisation 
     WHERE domain = :domain
  15. Click Create Handler

  16. It should look like this when you've finished

  17. Click Privileges > Create Privilege

  18. Add both a name and title of

  19. In Protected Modules, slide to the right

  20. Click Create Privilege

  21. Create a Client by running the below

        p_name            => 'org_client',
        p_grant_type      => 'client_credentials',
        p_owner           => 'Matt Muvlaney',
        p_description     => 'A client for Auth0',
        p_support_email   => '',
        p_privilege_names => ''
  22. Clipboard the Client ID and Secret

    SELECT id, name, client_id, client_secret
    FROM   user_ords_clients
    WHERE name = 'org_client'

Obtain a Google Client ID & Secret

This part is optional if you are just testing. However, its mandatory if you are going to production with Google/Gmail Authentication.

  1. Click here

  2. Change to the Installation Tab

  3. Follow the guide to obtain a Google Client ID and Client Secret

Social Connection Configuration

  1. Visit the Auth0 Dashboard

  2. Click Authentication > Social > Create Social Connection

  3. Click Google / Gmail

  4. Click Continue at the consent page

  5. If you have a Google Client ID and Secret (from the above section) enter these on this page

  6. Click Create at the bottom

  7. Activate your APEX Application to use google-oauth2 by using the slider alongside your APEX application

Auth0 Action Configuration

  1. Visit the Auth0 Dashboard

  2. Go to Actions > Library > Custom > Build Custom

  3. Create an Action using the following details

  4. Add auth0 (in lowercase) as a dependency

    Click Create

  5. Add another dependency of axios (lowercase) and click Create. You should now have two dependencies which have now been resolved to the latest versions

  6. Add a secret called domain representing your auth0 management domain (not the ORDS one - but your Auth0 Application one. If you've forgotten this just go to Applications > Applications > Your APEX Application) but without the https:// protocol e.g

  7. Add the following secrets for the following details

    • clientId pasting in the Client ID (not the ORDS one - but your Auth0 Application one) e.g. fzggzgt56676zg

    • clientSecret pasting in the Client's Secret ID (not the ORDS one - but your Auth0 Application one) e.g. fb9z68x7b96c

    • ordsClientId pasting in the Client ID from the SQL statement you ran above e.g. f76b7c76987cx6586c

    • ordsClientSecret pasting in the Secret ID from the SQL statement you ran above e.g. aba7ba7ba7bbc6d

    • ordsSchema Enter is your workspace name as it is aliased in ORDS e.g. wksp_x

    • ordsDomain This is your ords endpoint without a trailing slash e.g.

    • apexApplication This is your APEX application link in this format e.g.

  8. Check you have all these Secrets

  9. In the code section, replace everything with

     exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
       const namespace = "";
       var defaultOrgRole;
       var emailDomain;
       const ManagementClient = require("auth0").ManagementClient;
       const axios = require('axios');
       const ordsClientId = event.secrets.ordsClientId; // '43243..';
       const ordsClientSecret = event.secrets.ordsClientSecret; // '3432..';
       const ordsSchema = event.secrets.ordsSchema; // 'wksp_x';
       const ordsDomain = event.secrets.ordsDomain; // '';
       const apexApplication = event.secrets.apexApplication; // '/z-products/home?request=APEX_AUTHENTICATION%3DAUTH0'
       const ordsRouter = '/r/';
       const ordsEndpoint =  ordsDomain + '/' + ordsSchema;
       const mngmntDomain = event.secrets.domain;
       const mngmntClientId = event.secrets.clientId;
       const mngmntClientSecret = event.secrets.clientSecret;
       const mngmntScope = "read:roles create:roles update:roles";
       const applicationRolePrefix = 'ORG';
       const management = new ManagementClient({
         domain: mngmntDomain,
         clientId: mngmntClientId,
         clientSecret: mngmntClientSecret,
         scope: mngmntScope,
       const userRoles = await management.getUserRoles({ id: event.user.user_id });
       const roles = await management.getRoles();
       // Function ORDS get Token
       const getAccessToken = async () => {
         const credentialsBase64 = Buffer.from(`${ordsClientId}:${ordsClientSecret}`).toString('base64');
         const headers = {
           'Authorization': `Basic ${credentialsBase64}`,
           'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
         const data = new URLSearchParams();
         data.append('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
         try {
           const response = await`${ordsEndpoint}/oauth/token`, data, { headers });
         } catch (error) {
           throw new Error(`Failed to get access token: ${error.message}`);
       // Function ORDS Fetch Organisation Information
       const fetchOrgInfo = async (accessToken) => {
         const headers = {
           'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`
         try {
           const response = await axios.get(`${ordsEndpoint}/orginfo/info/${emailDomain}`, { headers });
           return; // Return the role value
         } catch (error) {
           // Handle Error from caller
       var data = { "users": [event.user.user_id] };
       try {
         if (event.authorization) {
           if (!event.user.email_verified) {
           } else {
             const hasOrgRole = userRoles.some(role =>;
             // No ORG role detected
             if (!hasOrgRole) {
               // Find default role
               emailDomain =[1].toLowerCase(); // extract the email address
               try {
                 const accessToken = await getAccessToken();
                 if (accessToken) {
                   defaultOrgRole = await fetchOrgInfo(accessToken);
               } catch (error) {
               const foundRecord = roles.find(record => === defaultOrgRole);
               const defaultRoleId = foundRecord ? : null;
               if (defaultRoleId) {
                 const defaultRoleObj = { id: defaultRoleId };
                 api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, defaultRoleId);
                 api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, defaultRoleId);
                 await management.roles.assignUsers(defaultRoleObj, data);
               } else {
                 // Deny Access
                   'https://' + 
                   event.secrets.domain + 
                   '/v2/logout?returnTo=' + 
                   encodeURIComponent( ordsDomain + 
                                       ordsRouter + 
                                       ordsSchema + 
                                       apexApplication ) +
                   '&client_id=' + 
       } catch (e) {
  10. Tip: If you are debugging NodeJS code then is a good editor for this.

  11. Double-check the ordsRouter value in the code. It should be fine.

  12. Click Deploy

  13. Click on Actions > Flows > Login

  14. Click on Custom tab

  15. Drag the Assign Default Role action to the place in the diagram below

  16. Click Apply


  1. Run your APEX Application.

  2. On the Sign in Page, Sign in by clicking the Sign in with Google button

  3. You should be logged in to your APEX Application

  4. Click User Management > Users and you should see a new user

  5. Click through and visit the Roles tab, the user should have been granted the correct Organisation Role of ORG:WATER

  6. Let's test that only users or a certain domain are let in.

    Sign Out of APEX and return to the login screen.

  7. Change the email domain by running this

     UPDATE organisation 
        SET domain =  CASE secret_id 
                     WHEN 'WATER' 
                     THEN '' -- Your social domain
                     ELSE NULL 
            role = 'ORG:' || UPPER(secret_id)
  8. Click the Sign in with Google button and you'll be thrown back to the Sign page because != 😆

  9. ENJOY!


  1. Whilst is nice being able to use axios to talk to ORDS in an Auth0 action. Perhaps clever construction of a description of the Auth0 Role might work. For example, if I give ORG:WATER a description of

         "domain": ""

    Then the Management API could be used to fetch the Role Description and then the Auth0 Action could parse out the key value.

    If so, no ORDS REST API is required. However, I do feel this ORDS REST API may be handy for other things

  2. I would expect APEX would manage both Role Creation via the Auth0 API and maintenance of the Organisation table - in some kind of Add Organisation Wizard set of pages.

  3. Be aware that the Management API & Auth0 API are two separate things with the former being used within Auth0 Actions. I've hyperlinked both for your reference.

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