Cost-Efficient APEX Open ID Authentication for SaaS: Role-Based Emulation of Auth0 Organizations

Cost-Efficient APEX Open ID Authentication for SaaS: Role-Based Emulation of Auth0 Organizations


9 min read

If you see my work on APEX Authentication with AUTH0 Organizations for SaaS, you'll see that the feature is pretty awesome. It provides multiple login screens, guided flows, user assignments to defined organizations and a single configuration of web applications. I think it's great and it's something to consider if the license is within your budget.

However what if the license is not within your budget? Well AUTH0 provides a Free licence for 7000 users and 1000 tokens. If we could emulate AUTH0 organizations somehow, then perhaps the Free license is suitable for us.

Something that's been floating around my brain for a few weeks is the possibility of using a specific naming convention of AUTH0 Roles to emulate Organizations. I thought I'd put it to the test and the results are rather impressive.

So what you'll get from following this blog are

  • APEX Authentication with AUTH0

  • AUTH0 Roles mapped to native APEX Roles

  • Seamless Logout/Login featuring the user's organization logo on an AUTH0 Login Page

  • The organization logo is provided to AUTH0 via a REST Module and the ID (or secret) of that organization is provided via the URL.

  • Identification of the users' organization in APEX using an application Item

  • Potential to use the Application Item in using a VPD to control data

  • An APEX page to view all users in the current Organisation.

Note: I'm British, so I want to write Organisation, but sometimes it'll spellcheck to Organization πŸ˜€

Let's start...


  1. First, complete the AUTH0 integration as per this blog. This will get your APEX application authenticated with AUTH0 and ready to start this blog.

AUTH0 Configuration

  1. In AUTH0 Dashboard, click on Branding > Universal Login > Advanced Options

  2. Click on Classic, to allow Extensive custom code support and click Save Changes (confirming any warning)

  3. Change the tab to Login and enable the Customize Login Page feature

  4. In the HTML section, change the theme section at line 59 to this

           theme: {
             logo: config.extraParams.logo,
             primaryColor:    colors.primary ? colors.primary : 'green'
  5. Click on User Management > Roles and we are going to create the Roles we need to identify users within an Organisation.

  6. Click on Create Role and create an ORG:WATER role and once it's created, go ahead and create another role called ORG:BETTYS. These two Roles are going to represent our two Organisations.

  7. Click on User Management > Users > find your username > Roles > Assign Roles > ORG:WATER > Assign

    We are going to deliberately not assign ORG:BETTYS as we will test this later

DB Setup for Organisations

  1. Create a table to hold our Organisations

     create table organisation (
         id                             number generated by default on null as identity 
                                        constraint organisation_id_pk primary key,
         name                           varchar2(255 char),
         description                    varchar2(4000 char),
         secret_id                      varchar2(64 char),
         logo                           blob,
         logo_filename                  varchar2(512 char),
         logo_mimetype                  varchar2(512 char),
         logo_charset                   varchar2(512 char),
         logo_lastupd                   date
  2. In APEX, Create a Form & Report and use it to enter these Organisations - see picture below

    You must upload some images: you can use these images

    - Bettys
    - Water

  3. In APEX, ensure that these images, above, are uploaded to the records. The APEX Page Wizard will provide a file browse item for you. Don't worry about the download link in the Interactive Report not working

APEX Application Items

  1. In APEX, click on Shared Components > Application Items > Create and create an application Item called G_ORG_ROLE_ID

  2. Create another application Item called G_ORG_NAME

  3. Create another application Item called G_ORG_SECRET

  4. Create another application Item called G_ORG_ID

  5. Check you have the following Application Items

REST Module

We are going to create a REST Module for AUTH0 to fetch our Organisation logo for our Authh0 Login Page. We are going to configure it as per the screenshot below

  1. Click on SQL Workshop > RESTful Services

  2. Register your schema for ORDS if not already

  3. Click Modules > Create Module

  4. For Module Name enter organisation

  5. For Base Path enter

  6. Click Create Module

  7. Click Create Template

  8. In URI Template enter


    and then click Create Template

  9. Click Create Handler

  10. In Source Type, select Media Resource

  11. in Source type

    SELECT logo_mimetype, logo 
      FROM organisation 
     WHERE secret_id = :secret_id

    and click Create Handler

  12. Copy the Full URL to the clipboard

APEX Authentication Configuration

  1. Edit your APEX AUTH0 Authentication Scheme

  2. Change Authentication URI Parameters to be


    and then change the :secret to &APP_AJAX_X01. so that the full string looks like this

  3. In the Authentication PL/SQL code, replace all code with the version below.

    Remember to change the constant values

     PROCEDURE p_post_processing
         l_token_clob     CLOB;
         l_clob          CLOB;
         j apex_json.t_values;
         l_domain CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT ''; 
         l_client CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT 'nj7g';
         l_secret CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT 'd1Vj';
         l_script CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT '/ords/r/';
         l_token  CLOB DEFAULT empty_clob;
         l_sub    VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT apex_util.url_encode(:G_SUB);
         l_group_names apex_t_varchar2;
         l_workspace_path_prefix apex_workspaces.path_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
        -- Get Path prefix manually because OWA_UTIL.GET_CGI_ENV('SCRIPT_NAME') doesnt work here
        FOR x IN ( SELECT lower( w.path_prefix  ) path_prefix
                     FROM apex_workspaces w,
                          apex_applications a
                    WHERE w.workspace = a.workspace
                      AND a.application_id = :APP_ID
            l_workspace_path_prefix := x.path_prefix;
         END LOOP;
             p_name_01        => 'Content-Type',
             p_value_01       => 'application/json' );
         l_token_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
             p_url => l_domain || '/oauth/token',
             p_http_method => 'POST',
             p_body => apex_string.format(
                         l_domain ));
         apex_json.parse(j, l_token_clob); 
         l_token := apex_json.get_clob(p_path=>'access_token',p_values=>j);
             p_name_01        => 'Accept',
             p_value_01       => 'application/json',
             p_name_02        => 'Authorization',
             p_value_02       => 'Bearer ' || l_token );
         l_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
             p_url => l_domain || apex_string.format('/api/v2/users/%0/roles',l_sub),
             p_http_method => 'GET' );
         apex_json.parse(p_values => j, p_source => l_clob);
        FOR i IN 1 .. apex_json.get_count(p_path=> '.', p_values=> j) 
             -- add all group names to l_group_names
              apex_string.push (
                       p_table => l_group_names,
                       p_value => apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].name',p0=> i,p_values=>j) );   
             IF apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].name',p0=> i,p_values=>j) LIKE 'ORG:%'
              :G_ORG_ROLE_ID := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].id',p0=> i,p_values=>j);
              :G_ORG_SECRET :=  apex_string.split( apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].name',p0=> i,p_values=>j),':')(2);
                 :G_ORG_ID :=;
                 :G_ORG_NAME :=;
              END LOOP;
             END IF;
        END LOOP;
         -- save group names in session
         apex_authorization.enable_dynamic_groups (
             p_group_names => l_group_names );
         IF :G_ORG_NAME IS NULL 
             apex_util.set_custom_auth_status( p_status=>'User:'|| :USER ||' is not associated with an Organisation Role.');
             apex_util.redirect_url (
                p_url => l_domain || '/v2/logout?returnTo=' ||
                        OWA_UTIL.get_cgi_env ('REQUEST_PROTOCOL') || 
                        '://' || 
                        OWA_UTIL.get_cgi_env ('HTTP_HOST') || 
                        -- Start workaround for OWA_UTIL.GET_CGI_ENV('SCRIPT_NAME') not working
                        l_script ||
                        l_workspace_path_prefix ||
                        '/' ||
                        LOWER(:APP_ALIAS) ||
                        -- End Workaround
                        '/home' )
                    '%3Frequest%3DAPEX_AUTHENTICATION%253DAUTH0%26x01%3D&G_ORG_SECRET.&client_id=' || l_client 
         END IF;
     END p_post_processing;
  4. Next is a tricky bit, in the Logout URL, you should see part of the string in the middle that says...


    you have to paste this string...


    ...below between the AUTH0 and the &client_id

    So that it looks like

  5. Click Apply Changes

Display AUTH0 Organisation users within APEX

  1. Now we are going to view all the users in the Organisation the user has signed in with.
    TODO - Replace this solution with REST Modules
    Create a new Interactive Report Page called Org Users based on the following SQL

     SELECT c001 user_id,
            c002 email,
            c003 picture,
            c004 name
       FROM apex_collections
      WHERE collection_name = 'ORG_USERS'
  2. When the new Org Users page opens in Page Designer, edit the PICTURE column on the Org Users Region and set the Column Formatting > HTML Expression to be

     <img src="#PICTURE#" height="128px">
  3. Create a Before Header Process called Fetch Org Users with the following code.

    Remember to change the constant values

        l_token_clob     CLOB;
        l_clob          CLOB;
        j apex_json.t_values;
        l_domain CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT ''; 
        l_client CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT 'ndfdfj';
        l_secret CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT 'd1Vsmo';
        l_token  CLOB DEFAULT empty_clob;
        l_collection_name apex_collections.collection_name%TYPE DEFAULT 'ORG_USERS';


            p_name_01        => 'Content-Type',
            p_value_01       => 'application/json' );

        l_token_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
            p_url => l_domain || '/oauth/token',
            p_http_method => 'POST',
            p_body => apex_string.format(
                        l_domain ));

        apex_json.parse(j, l_token_clob); 
        l_token := apex_json.get_clob(p_path=>'access_token',p_values=>j);


            p_name_01        => 'Accept',
            p_value_01       => 'application/json',
            p_name_02        => 'Authorization',
            p_value_02       => 'Bearer ' || l_token );

        l_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
            p_url => l_domain || apex_string.format('/api/v2/roles/%0/users', :G_ORG_ROLE_ID ),
            p_http_method => 'GET' );

        apex_json.parse(p_values => j, p_source => l_clob);

       FOR i IN 1 .. apex_json.get_count(p_path=> '.', p_values=> j) 
                    p_collection_name => l_collection_name,
                    p_c001            => apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].user_id',p0=> i,p_values=>j),
                    p_c002            => apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].email',p0=> i,p_values=>j),
                    p_c003            => apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].picture',p0=> i,p_values=>j),
                    p_c004            => apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'[%d].name',p0=> i,p_values=>j) );

       END LOOP;



  1. Now we can test a custom URL that we can give our customers. We do this by adding our Organisation's secret to the end of the URL.

The secret is intended to be a random HEX string, however, in this blog, it's plain text and represents the Organisation name.

i.e. Instead of BETTYS, I'd chosen something like ea26d14f5aeda006ca9fa6ba4e2cd14e so that URLs cannot be easily guessed

    ## Water

    ## Bettys
  1. Here are examples of the login pages

  2. Visit the Org Users page and view the users within this Organisation

  3. Log out of APEX, you'll see the AUTH0 login page with the correct logo for your user.

  4. Either (1) Create a user without an ORG: role or (2) Remove the ORG: role from your username

  5. Sign back in and you will be immediately logged out again as your user does not have permission for this application

  6. If you followed option (2) above, reapply the role to the user.


I think this solution is rather good. However, there are some things I noted during this journey

  1. Since the users are together in AUTH0, only separated by role, it's possible to log in using a Login Page for an organization that the user is not associated with. This is no big deal since it's just visual - once logged in, APEX will associate the user with their correct Organisation and the correct logo will appear on logout βœ”οΈ

  2. I would encourage the use of REST Table Sync to synchronize the Data with a table to reduce the number of tokens issued.

  3. The AUTH0 API can be used to create & user users within a role/organization as well as view them. This has not been included in this blog however I intend to publish an AUTH0 package in the future with token optimisation.

  4. Since the Organisation is resolved to the ID on my Organisation table (see G_ORG_ID Application Item) I can implement a VPD to only show data for that Organisation. In this way, I can implement a SaaS solution.

I hope you enjoyed this blog and found it useful.

What's the picture? It's a field towards the end of summer, east of Ripon. Visit Yorkshire!