Using 23ai Free docker container alongside 23c Free container

Using 23ai Free docker container alongside 23c Free container

Is this guide for you?

If you have not yet used my Oracle 23c Free Docker, APEX & ORDS container and want to try it... you'll get 23ai installed!

If you are using my Oracle 23c Free Docker, APEX & ORDS container and want to upgrade it to 23ai, then you might want to look at Philipp's method

If you are using my my Oracle 23c Free Docker, APEX & ORDS container and you want to try 23ai without losing 23c, then this is the guide for you. You'll end up with two docker images 23c and 23ai, your existing 23c container and a new 23ai container.


  1. Stop 23cfree

     docker stop 23cfree
  2. List docker images

     docker images

    This will show

     [opc@lufpod ~]$ docker images
     Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
     REPOSITORY                                   TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE  latest      7c64410c08d5  14 months ago  10.3 GB
  3. Take a note of the IMAGE ID, in my case it's 7c64410c08d5

  4. Pull latest image

     docker pull

    This will show (after about 10mins)

     [opc@lufpod ~]$  docker pull
     Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
     Trying to pull
     Getting image source signatures
     Copying blob 716b489ad5ad done
     Copying blob 21def9023b6f done
     Copying blob 6d6e36f7c9fb done
     Copying blob b4a24759beff done
     Copying blob 5e7b2cfeb7fa done
     Copying blob 78bba54e9814 done
     Copying blob c23fd8c6cbee done
     Copying blob 79dea26b3a5a done
     Copying blob 5dfbcf799df3 done
     Copying blob 154719a62576 done
     Copying config 7510f8869b done
     Writing manifest to image destination
     Storing signatures
  5. Tag the old image as 23cfree:latest using the IMAGE ID you made a note of earlier.

     docker tag 7c64410c08d5 23cfree:latest
  6. List docker images

     docker images

    This will show

     [opc@lufpod ~]$ docker images
     Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
     REPOSITORY                                   TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE  latest      7510f8869b04  6 weeks ago    8.73 GB
     localhost/23cfree                            latest      7c64410c08d5  14 months ago  10.3 GB
  7. Start up a the container

     docker run -d -it --name 23aifree -p 8521:1521 -p 8500:5500 -p 8023:8080 -p 9043:8443 -p 9922:22 -e ORACLE_PWD=E
  8. Now we enter bash

      docker exec -it 23aifree /bin/bash
  9. Now continue this guide - starting at step 5 to install APEX


What's the picture? It's Golden Acre Park, Leeds. Visit Yorkshire!