I love using the Autonomous Databases (ADBs) on OCI. I manage several ADBs across multiple tenancies. Occasionally, I simply need to schedule certain external jobs that connect to each of these ADBs in sequence and execute commands on a daily basis.
There are several ways you can schedule commands both internally to the DB (e.g. DBMS_SCHEDULER) and Job Scheduler Software that runs externally to the DB. I'll just describe one basic approach. you can substitute the commands in here for commands of your own.
The steps involved are:
Creation of a daily cronjob to run a
scriptThis script:
Parses a ADBCommandRunner.json file which holds connection strings and wallet locations
Connects to each record in the JSON array using SQLcl
Runs the command. In my example it simply selects the connection name and timestamp from dual
Disconnects & writes an audit log to ADBCommandRunner.log
Scripts are provided for entertainment purposes. Run at your own risk.
Create a Compute box on Oracle Cloud
Create a Terminal/Putty session to your Compute Box (Instructions are at the end of the link in step 1)
Create a wallets folder
mkdir wallets
Download your Wallet for your Autonomous Database(s). There are several ways to do this, including the Cloud OCI Tools method, however the easiest way is to smash the Download Wallet button manually on OCI - see picture below.
Shuttle the wallet zip file over to your Compute box into the new /home/opc/wallets folder using your preferred method. I use Windows, so I like to use WinSCP to perform this. WinSCP can also re-use your exiting Putty connections so its quite easy to use.
Install Java
sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk -y
Install SQLcl
sudo yum install sqlcl -y
Make a JSON config file to hold your connections.
nano ADBCommandRunner.json
Paste in a version of the following JSON which represents your connection strings. I'm demonstrating two connection strings here.
[ { "name": "DEV", "wallet_path": "wallets/Wallet_DEV.zip", "connection_string": "User/Password$@dev_low" }, { "name": "TEST", "wallet_path": "wallets/Wallet_TEST.zip", "connection_string": "User/Password@test_low" } ]
Ctrl+X to save the file & exit nano
Test the file to see if it is valid JSON
jq empty ADBCommandRunner.json
If the JSON file is valid, this command will produce no output. If there's a syntax error, it will display an error message indicating the issue. For example
parse error: Expected separator between values at line 4, column 21
Create a script to parse the JSON
nano ADBCommandRunner.sh
Paste in the following.
#!/bin/bash # Define the log file LOG_FILE="ADBCommandRunner.log" # Read the JSON file and loop through each object while IFS= read -r line; do name=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.name') wallet_path=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.wallet_path') connection_string=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.connection_string') echo "Running SQL commands for Wallet: $wallet_path" # Execute SQL commands using SQLcl and append output to log file with timestamp { echo "$(date): Running SQL commands for Wallet: $wallet_path" sql /nolog <<EOF SET CLOUDCONFIG $wallet_path CONNECT $connection_string SELECT '$name' AS msg, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS execution_time FROM DUAL; EXIT EOF } >> "$LOG_FILE" # Appends output to log file done < <(jq -c '.[]' ADBCommandRunner.json)
This just runs a simple select statement
SELECT '$name' AS msg, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS execution_time FROM DUAL;
You can replace this line to run any commands you like.
Ctrl+X to save the file & exit nano
Give it execute rights
chmod +x ADBCommandRunner.sh
Give it a run
It'll look like this - a bit boring 🥱
Running SQL commands for Wallet: wallets/Wallet_DEV.zip Running SQL commands for Wallet: wallets/Wallet_TEST.zip
You can even review detailed output
nano ADBCommandRunner.log
Now lets hook this up to run every day
export EDITOR=nano; crontab -e
Paste this on the last line to run it daily
0 0 * * * /bin/bash /home/opc/ADBCommandRunner.sh
CTRL+X to save the file and exit
If you want to add remove/connections in the future, just modify the JSON file you created earlier.
Here is a preview of the log file, running at midnight, in case you were interested.
Fri Dec 22 00:00:01 GMT 2023: Running SQL commands for Wallet: wallets/Wallet_DEV.zip SQLcl: Release 23.3 Production on Fri Dec 22 00:00:04 2023 Copyright (c) 1982, 2023, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected. MSG EXECUTION_TIME __________ ______________________________________ DEV 22-DEC-23 AM GMT Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version Fri Dec 22 00:00:11 GMT 2023: Running SQL commands for Wallet: wallets/Wallet_TEST.zip SQLcl: Release 23.3 Production on Fri Dec 22 00:00:12 2023 Copyright (c) 1982, 2023, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected. MSG EXECUTION_TIME __________ ______________________________________ TEST 22-DEC-23 AM GMT Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version
Whats the picture? a cloud-free day on The Stray. Visit Yorkshire!