SaaS REST for VPD Multi-Tenant APEX Apps

SaaS REST for VPD Multi-Tenant APEX Apps

Whats this all about?

In a SaaS model, APEX provides an apex_session.set_tenant_id procedure to set a context. This context can be accessed by your VPD in determining the rows the user can access.

However with REST, I have some questions...

  • How do you securely instruct REST to use the VPD the credentials are associated with?

  • How do you know which client provided the OAuth2 Token?

  • How can you call a piece of PL/SQL to set the VPD when the REST Handler is a Collection Query which is effectively just a piece of SQL

Jon built a fantastic this blog on Building Multi-Tenant APEX Apps. However I want to take the example he provided a couple of steps further by implementing a VPD.

Once implemented, I then extend the REST service to identify the client credentials.

I do this by using an ORDS Pre-Hook. This is a piece of code that is ran before all REST Handlers. Once the Pre-Hook determines the tenant, I can implement a VPD

In this blog, I'll do a bit of setup, and then crack on with the VPD/REST Examples

Example Setup

I'm intentionally whizzing through the Example Setup steps as the detail will be in the subsequent sections

  1. Go to SQL Workshop > SQL Scripts > Create

  2. Paste the huge DB Script from the Appendix at the end of this Article and run it

  3. Click Create Application button accepting all the defaults

  4. Click Shared Components > Authentication Schemes > Create > Next

  5. Click Stay on Page checkbox.

  6. Create an Open Door Authentication Scheme (this is a really basic one to accept a username only)

  7. Add this to the source section. This sets the tenant associated with the user.

  8.    PROCEDURE post_authentication
          FOR x in ( SELECT * FROM cndemo_tenant_users WHERE user_name = :APP_USER)
            apex_session.set_tenant_id( x.tenant_id );
          END LOOP;
  9. Add this to the Post-Authentication Procedure Name

  10. It should look like this

  11. Click Apply Changes

  12. Click Make Authentication Scheme Default

VPD Setup

Credits toOracle-Base

  1. Create the package specification

       FUNCTION tenant_insert_security(owner VARCHAR2, objname VARCHAR2)
       FUNCTION tenant_select_security(owner VARCHAR2, objname VARCHAR2)
     END vpd_pkg;
  2. Create the package body.

     create or replace PACKAGE BODY vpd_pkg IS
       FUNCTION tenant_select_security(owner VARCHAR2, objname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
         predicate VARCHAR2(2000);
         predicate := '1=2';
           predicate := NULL;
           predicate := 'TENANT_ID = SYS_CONTEXT(''APEX$SESSION'',''APP_TENANT_ID'')';
         END IF;
         RETURN predicate;
       END tenant_select_security;
       FUNCTION tenant_insert_security(owner VARCHAR2, objname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
          RETURN tenant_select_security(owner, objname);
       END tenant_insert_security;
     END vpd_pkg;
  3. Apply the polices to the knowledge table (change E3 to your schema name)

                           'E3', 'VPD_PKG.TENANT_INSERT_SECURITY',
                           'INSERT', TRUE);
                           'E3', 'VPD_PKG.TENANT_SELECT_SECURITY',

Test the APEX App & VPD

  1. Run the APEX Application

  2. Log in as DFARKE (LUF Tenant)

  3. Navigate to the Knowledge Articles

  4. You should see 4 Articles for DFARKE

  5. Logout / Login as SWEAVER (HGT Tenant)

  6. You should see 6 Articles for SWEAVER

Create and Protect REST Services

  1. Click on SQL Workshop > RESTful Services

  2. Create a Module like this

  3. Create a Template like this

  4. Create a Handler like this

    Here is the code

  5. Give it a quick test and you'll see records

  6. (Optional) Click on Roles and create two roles, COACH and MANAGER

  7. Click on Privileges and create a privilege like this

  8. Testing the endpoint again should now be Unauthorized because the module has now been protected.

  9. Create two Clients, one for each Tenant, by running the below

         p_name            => 'LUF_CLIENT',
         p_grant_type      => 'client_credentials',
         p_owner           => 'LUF Tenant',
         p_description     => 'A client for LUF Tenant',
         p_support_email   => '',
         p_privilege_names => 'cndemo_priv'
         p_name            => 'HGT_CLIENT',
         p_grant_type      => 'client_credentials',
         p_owner           => 'HGT Tenant',
         p_description     => 'A client for HGT Tenant',
         p_support_email   => '',
         p_privilege_names => 'cndemo_priv'
  10. Now fetch the clients and note down the credentials.

    SELECT id, name, client_id, client_secret
    FROM   user_ords_clients

  11. Add a new column to the cndemo_tenants table to associate the tenant with the newly created Client ID

    alter table CNDEMO_TENANTS add

    Update the table

    UPDATE cndemo_tenants t 
       SET t.client_id = ( SELECT c.client_id 
                             FROM user_ords_clients c 
                            WHERE = t.tenant_code || '_CLIENT'  )
  12. Create an ORDS Pre-hook package spec

    create or replace package ords_prehook_pkg  as
    END ords_prehook_pkg;
  13. Create an ORDS Pre-hook package body

    Important Note: As pointed out in the comments section... to mimic the APEX Application's method of setting the context used by the VPD (i.e by using apex_session.set_tenant_id), REST must first create an APEX session first. This is a prerequisite of apex_session.set_tenant_id which is not stated in the documentation. APEX differs, as it has already formed a session, that is why its ran in the post authentication section. However REST never forms an APEX session, so its performed specifically below. Creating an APEX session for each and every REST call adds a significant overhead to REST calls. This blog specifically adheres to the "standard approach" of using apex_session.set_tenant_id consistently across APEX and REST. Unless this prerequisite is dropped by a future version of APEX, I would recommend, for performance, when implementing a APEX & REST on SaaS approach, using a custom context instead of apex_session.set_tenant_id thus avoiding the overhead of creating an APEX session for each and every REST call.

    create or replace package body ords_prehook_pkg as
            l_client_id          user_ords_clients.client_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
            l_tenant_id DEFAULT NULL;
           -- Fetch Remote Identity
              l_client_id := OWA_UTIL.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_IDENT');
            WHEN OTHERS
               -- Log No Client ID / Deal with Identless Calls per URL
           FOR x_client IN ( SELECT tenant_id, 
                               FROM user_ords_clients c,
                                    cndemo_tenants t
                              WHERE c.client_id = t.client_id
                                AND c.client_id = l_client_id )
               l_tenant_id := x_client.tenant_id;
               IF l_tenant_id IS NOT NULL
                    apex_session.create_session (
                        p_app_id   => 100,
                        p_page_id  => 1,
                        p_username => 'EXAMPLE USER' );
                    apex_session.set_tenant_id( l_tenant_id );
               END IF;
           END LOOP; 
          RETURN TRUE; 
         WHEN OTHERS
           -- Log
           RETURN FALSE;
        END pre_hook;
    end ords_prehook_pkg;
  14. Run these grants

    GRANT EXECUTE ON ords_prehook_pkg TO PUBLIC;
  15. The following steps will add the pre-hook to ORDS. But first we need to stop ORDS. The following ORDS instructions are based on my Oracle 23c Free Docker, APEX & ORDS all in one simple guide. If you're using something different then please adjust the commands accordingly

    sh /home/oracle/scripts/
  16. Edit the settings.xml of ORDS

    nano /etc/ords/config/global/settings.xml
  17. Add the following entry (change E3 to your schema name)

    <entry key="">e3.ords_prehook_pkg.pre_hook</entry>
  18. Ctrl+X to exit and save

  19. Start ORDS

    sh /home/oracle/scripts/


  1. Fetch a token with the LUF Client Credentials by concatenating the user and password together with a colon

     TOKEN=$(echo -n "[user]:[password]" | base64)
     curl -X POST \
       https://your-url/ords/leeds/oauth/token \
       -H "Authorization: Basic $TOKEN" \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
       -d 'grant_type=client_credentials'
  2. Call it with the token

  3. Success 4 records for LUF

  4. Lets grab a token for the HGT client credentials and repeat the steps

  5. Success 6 records for the HGT client credentials


Using a Pre-hook, we can determine the Client ID of the credentials used. We already associate the Client ID with the Tenant. Therefore we can set the Context based on the Tenant. Once the Context is set, the VPD does its magic.


Whats the Picture? It's the incredibly beautiful Thruscross Reservoir. Visit Yorkshire!


DB Script

-- create tables

create table cndemo_tenants (
    id             number generated by default on null as identity
                   constraint cndemo_tenants_id_pk primary key,
    tenant_code    varchar2(4 char)
                   constraint tenants_tenant_code_unq unique not null,
    tenant_name    varchar2(50 char) not null,
    created        date not null,
    created_by     varchar2(255 char) not null,
    updated        date not null,
    updated_by     varchar2(255 char) not null

create table cndemo_tenant_users (
    id              number generated by default on null as identity
                    constraint cndemo_tenant_users_id_pk primary key,
    tenant_id       number
                    constraint cndemo_tenant_users_tenant_id_fk
                    references cndemo_tenants,
    user_name       varchar2(30 char)
                    constraint tenant_users_user_name_unq unique not null,
    display_name    varchar2(50 char) not null,
    created         date not null,
    created_by      varchar2(255 char) not null,
    updated         date not null,
    updated_by      varchar2(255 char) not null

-- table index
create index cndemo_tenant_users_i1 on cndemo_tenant_users (tenant_id);

create table cndemo_knowledge_articles (
    id            number generated by default on null as identity
                  constraint cndemo_knowledge_articles_id_pk primary key,
    tenant_id     number
                  constraint cndemo_knowledge_articles_tenant_id_fk
                  references cndemo_tenants,
    title         varchar2(90 char) not null,
    content       clob,
    created       date not null,
    created_by    varchar2(255 char) not null,
    updated       date not null,
    updated_by    varchar2(255 char) not null

-- table index
create index cndemo_knowledge_articles_i1 on cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id);

-- triggers
create or replace trigger cndemo_tenants_biu
    before insert or update
    on cndemo_tenants
    for each row
    if inserting then
        :new.created := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
    end if;
    :new.updated := sysdate;
    :new.updated_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
end cndemo_tenants_biu;

create or replace trigger cndemo_tenant_users_biu
    before insert or update
    on cndemo_tenant_users
    for each row
    if inserting then
        :new.created := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
    end if;
    :new.updated := sysdate;
    :new.updated_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
end cndemo_tenant_users_biu;

create or replace trigger cndemo_knowledge_articles_biu
    before insert or update
    on cndemo_knowledge_articles
    for each row
    if inserting then
        :new.created := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
    end if;

   if :new.tenant_id is null then
     :new.tenant_id := SYS_CONTEXT('APEX$SESSION', 'APP_TENANT_ID');
    end if;

    :new.updated := sysdate;
    :new.updated_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
end cndemo_knowledge_articles_biu;

-- load data

insert into cndemo_tenants (
) values (
    'Leeds United'
insert into cndemo_tenants (
) values (
    'Harrogate Town'


alter table cndemo_tenants
modify id generated always  as identity restart start with 3;

insert into cndemo_tenant_users (
) values (
    'Daniel Farke'
insert into cndemo_tenant_users (
) values (
    'Simon Weaver'


alter table cndemo_tenant_users
modify id generated always  as identity restart start with 3;

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (1, 'Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Football Tactics', 'This book by Jonathan Wilson explores the evolution of football tactics from its earliest days to the modern era, delving into the strategic shifts and innovations that have shaped the game.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (1, 'Fever Pitch', 'Nick Hornby''s memoir captures the essence of being a football fan, reflecting on the emotional highs and lows experienced while supporting a club through the lens of his own lifelong devotion to Arsenal.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (1, 'The Miracle of Castel di Sangro', 'Journalist Joe McGinniss recounts the remarkable true story of an Italian football team from a small town that defied the odds by reaching Serie B, providing a gripping narrative of passion, perseverance, and the power of sport.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (1, 'Soccernomics', 'Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski explore the intersection of football and economics, using data analysis to uncover insights into the business, politics, and culture of the beautiful game.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (2, 'The Ball is Round: A Global History of Football', 'David Goldblatt presents a comprehensive history of football, tracing its origins and development across continents and cultures, offering a rich tapestry of stories that illuminate the sport''s global impact.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (2, 'Brave New World: Inside Pochettino''s Spurs', 'Journalist Guillem Balague provides an inside look into Mauricio Pochettino''s tenure as manager of Tottenham Hotspur, offering insights into his innovative tactics, leadership style, and the challenges of building a competitive team.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (2, 'Barça: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World', 'Graham Hunter explores the rise of FC Barcelona under the management of Pep Guardiola, chronicling their dominance in both domestic and international football through the lens of tactical brilliance, youth development, and a distinct playing style.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (2, 'Living on the Volcano: The Secrets of Surviving as a Football Manager', 'Michael Calvin interviews football managers across the English leagues, offering a revealing insight into the pressures, challenges, and strategies involved in one of the most demanding roles in the sport.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (2, 'Das Reboot: How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World', 'Raphael Honigstein examines the transformation of German football from the depths of failure to World Cup success, tracing the reforms, innovations, and cultural shifts that revitalized the national team and domestic football.');

INSERT INTO cndemo_knowledge_articles (tenant_id, title, content) VALUES (2, 'The Nowhere Men', 'Michael Calvin delves into the world of football scouting, profiling the unsung heroes who travel far and wide in search of the next generation of talent, offering a fascinating glimpse into the intricate process of player recruitment.');


alter table cndemo_knowledge_articles
modify id generated always  as identity restart start with 11;