An APEX Vanity URL for Load Balanced Oracle Managed ORDS for ADB on OCI

An APEX Vanity URL for Load Balanced Oracle Managed ORDS for ADB on OCI

This is a pretty simple guide to setting up a Vanity URL on Load Balancer to APEX on ADB. A lot of the information is contained in other blogs, so by following this, you should end up with a working Vanity URL on ADB on a Private End Point.


You cannot do this on Always Free ADB because the Network Access cannot be updated to a Private Endpoint which is critical for obtaining the ADBs IP address & Load Balancers need IP addresses to work

You have completed the following steps:

  1. You have created an OCI Load Balancer - see guide and moved ADB to a Private End Point & followed all steps including setting your certificate


  1. In OCI, find your Load Balancer (lb) click Backend set > bs-lb

  2. Click the on the Update Health Check button

  3. Set URL path (URI) to /ords/ and Status code to 302 (Credits to Mortiz) and click Save Healthcheck

  4. Click Backend Sets > bs-lb > Edit

  5. Click Use SSL, Certificate resource = Load balancer managed certificate & choose the certificate with Use SSL checked

  6. Click Backends > Add Backend

  7. For Oracle Managed ORDS Choose IP Addresses = ADB IP Address (you should now have its IP when you moved it to Private Endpoint) & Port = 443

  8. Click Add & Close the popup

  9. Wait for Successs or refresh the page

Setup Domain Registrar DNS

  1. Click on Load Balancer Details in your Breadcrumb and find the public IP Address

  2. In your Cloudflare Dashboard go to DNS > Records

  3. Add a domain or subdomain to redirect to your Load Balancer IP Addess

  4. Give it a go

Want it to redirect to a custom Application or Landing Page instead? - see this guide

Easy wasn’t it?


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