Troubleshooting connection issues with VS Code Oracle SQL Developer Extension
I installed the VS Code SQL Developer Extension on Day 1. However I was thwarted with a connection issue.
Basically I had this error and I didn't know what was going on.
The embedded SQLcl was connecting:
The standalone SQLcl was connecting :
However, the SQL Worksheet was not .
After logging this on the Oracle Forums for SQL Developer for VS Code, Jeff explains his steps for debugging SQL Developer.
Click the Output window here
Change the selector to SQL Developer
Perform the test again. In my case I clicked the Test button
Give it a minute and see the output
Hopefully the output is sufficient to inform you of the issue, otherwise it a starting point for further research.
If you need more messages, you can change the Logging Level by Clicking on Extensions > SQL Developer > Settings / Gears Icon > Extension Settings like this:
Then change the Logging Level to TRACE for example. Don't forget to change it back to INFO when you are done.
Some connection issues have been resolved here:
Common Issues
DBTS-02017: Mismatch with the server cert DN
Steps to Resolve
Edit the Connection Details
Change to the Advanced Tab
Click Add to add a new row
Add this Name/Value pair to the new row
Name: Value: false
When complete, it will look like this
Test the connection again
I'll update this as I find new workarounds.
Whats the picture? Its a tree near the edge of Fewston Reservoir. Visit Yorkshire!