Unzipping in Oracle APEX has changed - Examples Galore

Unzipping in Oracle APEX has changed - Examples Galore

I wanted to unzip a file using APEX_ZIP today, and found that the old method was deprecated and now there is a completely different method. Lets unpack it all with examples aplenty.


For this demonstration, I’ve decided to zip up the apex\utilities folder, from the APEX download site which contains these files:

Giving a ZIP file looking like this:

I’ve uploaded the zip it to this table

    "MY_FILE" BLOB, 
   ) ;

Great. We’re all set.


Notice that the APEX 23.2 Documentation shows this:

However the APEX 24.1 Documentation shows this:

What these pictures are telling me is that the usual way of getting the list of files (GET_FILES) AND the method of getting a particular file (GET_FILE_CONTENT signature 1) are both deprecated!

No we are not doomed. There is a new method in town.

Unzipping files

Browsing the zip?

If you are browsing the zip, perhaps you are looking for particular files matching a regex or similar, then consider this code:

    l_zip_file      blob;
    l_unzipped_file blob;
    l_dir           apex_zip.t_dir_entries;
    l_file_path     varchar2(32767);
    l_current_entry apex_zip.t_dir_entry;
    -- Retrieve the zip file from the database
    SELECT my_file
      INTO l_zip_file
      FROM my_files
     WHERE my_file_filename = 'utilities.zip';

    -- Get all directory entries from the zip file
    l_dir := apex_zip.get_dir_entries (
                   p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file,
                   p_only_files => FALSE );

    -- Print header row for the output table
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RPAD('Dir', 5) || ' ' ||
                         RPAD('Size', 5) || ' ' ||
                         RPAD('Filename', 35) || ' ' ||
                         RPAD('Index', 35) || ' ' ||

    -- Print separator line
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RPAD('-', 101, '-'));

    -- Start with the first entry in the directory
    l_file_path := l_dir.first;

    -- Loop through all entries in the zip file
    WHILE l_file_path IS NOT NULL LOOP
       -- Initialize unzipped file as empty BLOB
       l_unzipped_file := EMPTY_BLOB();

       -- Get current directory entry
       l_current_entry := l_dir(l_file_path);

       -- If the entry is not a directory, extract its content
       IF l_current_entry.is_directory IS NULL THEN 
           l_unzipped_file := apex_zip.get_file_content (
                                   p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file,
                                   p_dir_entry   => l_current_entry );
       END IF;

        -- Print information about the current entry
            apex_string.format( '%0 %1 %2 %3 %4' ,
            RPAD(apex_debug.tochar(l_current_entry.is_directory), 5),
            LPAD(l_current_entry.uncompressed_length, 5),
            RPAD(l_current_entry.file_name, 35), 
            RPAD(l_file_path, 35), 
            LPAD(LENGTH(l_unzipped_file), 5)

        -- Move to the next entry in the directory
        l_file_path := l_dir.next(l_file_path);

this produces:

Dir   Size  Filename                            Index                               Uncompressed-Size
null  28046 apxpart.sql                         apxpart.sql                         28046
null   1815 apxrekey.sql                        apxrekey.sql                         1815
null   4601 check_lovs_for_errors.sql           check_lovs_for_errors.sql            4601
true      0 debug/                              debug/                                  0
null  12615 debug/activity.sql                  debug/activity.sql                  12615
null   2724 debug/d0.sql                        debug/d0.sql                         2724
null   2870 debug/d1.sql                        debug/d1.sql                         2870
null   3112 debug/d2.sql                        debug/d2.sql                         3112
null   2797 debug/ds.sql                        debug/ds.sql                         2797
null   4683 enable_sso.sql                      enable_sso.sql                       4683
null  15746 report_instance_configuration.sql   report_instance_configuration.sql   15746
null   1782 reset_image_prefix.sql              reset_image_prefix.sql               1782
null   2772 reset_image_prefix_con.sql          reset_image_prefix_con.sql           2772
null   2642 reset_image_prefix_core.sql         reset_image_prefix_core.sql          2642
true      0 support/                            support/                                0
null  33979 support/apex_verify.sql             support/apex_verify.sql             33979

We can observe that:

  • The presence of the Uncompressed-Size means that its been unzipped & the fact that its identical to the size means its been correctly unzipped

  • apex_zip.get_dir_entries returns an object of type t_dir_entries which is a table of t_dir_entry index by VARCHAR2(32767). What is the index? - its the filename! This is why I can grab the filename by either of these two:

    • l_file_path (index) ← shorter & easier!

    • l_current_entry.file_name (attribute)

  • If the index was a BINARY_INTEGER we could do a FOR..LOOP around it. However its a VARCHAR2, therefore we need to LOOP around it using a WHILE l_file_path IS NOT NULL.

  • If I want to grab the file, I have to set it the whole record type which I fetch on each loop. This is stored as l_dir(l_file_path) and is used as an in parameter to apex_zip.get_file_content

                 l_unzipped_file := apex_zip.get_file_content (
                                         p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file,
                                         p_dir_entry   => l_current_entry );
  • l_current_entry.is_directory is true when apex_zip.get_dir_entries is called with p_only_files => FALSE. This means that I had to use IF l_current_entry.is_directory IS NULL THEN to detect files. Alternatively you can omit the p_only_files as this defaults to TRUE; the issue with this is that l_current_entry.is_directory will only ever be null. It cannot be FALSE - source.

Unzipping a particular file?

If you are looking for a particular file it becomes way easier

    l_zip_file      blob;
    l_unzipped_file blob;
    l_dir           apex_zip.t_dir_entries;
    l_file_path     varchar2(32767);
    l_current_entry apex_zip.t_dir_entry;
    -- Retrieve the zip file from the database
    SELECT my_file
      INTO l_zip_file
      FROM my_files
     WHERE my_file_filename = 'utilities.zip';

    -- Get all directory entries from the zip file
    l_dir := apex_zip.get_dir_entries (
                   p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file );

    -- Print header row for the output table
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RPAD('Dir', 5) || ' ' ||
                         RPAD('Size', 5) || ' ' ||
                         RPAD('Filename', 35) || ' ' ||
                         RPAD('Index', 35) || ' ' ||

    -- Print separator line
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RPAD('-', 101, '-'));

    l_file_path := 'support/apex_verify.sql';
    l_current_entry := l_dir( l_file_path );
    l_unzipped_file := apex_zip.get_file_content (
                                   p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file,
                                   p_dir_entry   => l_current_entry );

        -- Print information about the current entry
            apex_string.format( '%0 %1 %2 %3 %4' ,
            RPAD(apex_debug.tochar(l_current_entry.is_directory), 5),
            LPAD(l_current_entry.uncompressed_length, 5),
            RPAD(l_current_entry.file_name, 35), 
            RPAD(l_file_path, 35), 
            LPAD(LENGTH(l_unzipped_file), 5)


this produces

Dir   Size  Filename                            Index                               Uncompressed-Size
null  33979 support/apex_verify.sql             support/apex_verify.sql             33979

We can observe that:

  • No looping! We still need to call apex_zip.get_dir_entries which gives us our collection. We can then identify which record in the collection by the filename and then pass it into apex_zip.get_file_content i.e.

          l_file_path := 'support/apex_verify.sql';
          l_current_entry := l_dir( l_file_path );
          l_unzipped_file := apex_zip.get_file_content (
                                         p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file,
                                         p_dir_entry   => l_current_entry );


What’s the picture? It’s Cross James St. Harrogate. Visit Yorkshire!
