Table of contents
Want Dracula Theme in Oracle APEX Page Designer? 🧛♂️ of course you do…
Good choice!🧄
Here is what you need to do:
Install Violentmonkey by clicking on the one of the Installation options. Alternatively, If you are unable to install Violentmonkey, this method also works absolutely fine in Tampermonkey.
Click the Violentmonkey browser extension icon and click the ➕ icon
Replace all the code with this code and click Save & Close
// ==UserScript==
// @name Oracle APEX Monaco Editor Theme Changer
// @namespace
// @version 24.2.1
// @description Apply Custom themes to Monaco Editor in Oracle APEX
// @match *://*/ords/*
// @match *://*/pls/*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @author Matt Mulvaney - Pretius
// @twitter @Matt_Mulvaney
// ==/UserScript==
// ===== USER SETTINGS =====
const xyzUserTheme = 'dracula'; // Change this to switch themes
// ==========================
// Monaco Editor Theme Manager
const XYZMonacoThemeManager = (function() {
// Private theme definitions
const themes = {
dracula: {
base: "vs-dark",
inherit: false,
rules: [
{ background: "#282a36" },
{ foreground: "6272a4", token: "comment" },
{ foreground: "f1fa8c", token: "string" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "constant.numeric" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "constant.language" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "constant.character" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "constant.other" },
{ foreground: "ffb86c", token: "variable.other.readwrite.instance" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "constant.character.escaped" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "constant.character.escape" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "string source" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "string source.ruby" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "keyword" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "storage" },
{ foreground: "8be9fd", fontStyle: "italic", token: "storage.type" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", fontStyle: "underline", token: "" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", fontStyle: "italic underline", token: "entity.other.inherited-class" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "" },
{ foreground: "ffb86c", fontStyle: "italic", token: "variable.parameter" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "entity.other.attribute-name" },
{ foreground: "8be9fd", token: "support.function" },
{ foreground: "6be5fd", token: "support.constant" },
{ foreground: "66d9ef", fontStyle: " italic", token: "support.type" },
{ foreground: "66d9ef", fontStyle: " italic", token: "support.class" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f0", background: "ff79c6", token: "invalid" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f0", background: "bd93f9", token: "invalid.deprecated" },
{ foreground: "cfcfc2", token: "meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json" },
{ foreground: "6272a4", token: "meta.diff" },
{ foreground: "6272a4", token: "meta.diff.header" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "markup.deleted" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "markup.inserted" },
{ foreground: "e6db74", token: "markup.changed" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "constant.numeric.line-number.find-in-files - match" },
{ foreground: "e6db74", token: "" },
{ foreground: "f83333", token: "message.error" },
{ foreground: "eeeeee", token: "punctuation.definition.string.begin.json - meta.structure.dictionary.value.json" },
{ foreground: "eeeeee", token: "punctuation.definition.string.end.json - meta.structure.dictionary.value.json" },
{ foreground: "8be9fd", token: "meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json" },
{ foreground: "f1fa8c", token: "meta.structure.dictionary.value.json string.quoted.double.json" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "meta meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string" },
{ foreground: "ffb86c", token: "meta meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "meta meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "meta meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "meta meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string" },
{ foreground: "ffb86c", token: "meta meta.structure.dictionary.value string" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f2", token: "atom" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f2", token: "identifier" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "function" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f2", token: "delimiter" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "operator" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f2", token: "" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f2", token: "predefined" },
{ foreground: "bd93f9", token: "number" },
{ foreground: "ff79c6", token: "tag" },
{ foreground: "50fa7b", token: "" },
{ foreground: "f1fa8c", token: "attribute.value" },
{ foreground: "6272a4", token: "comment.html" },
{ foreground: "f8f8f2", token: "text.html" }
colors: {
"editor.foreground": "#f8f8f2",
"editor.background": "#282a36",
"editor.selectionBackground": "#44475a",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#44475a",
"editorCursor.foreground": "#f8f8f0",
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#3B3A32",
"editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#9D550FB0",
"editor.selectionHighlightBorder": "#222218"
// You can add more themes here in the future
// APEX environment check
function isApexEnvironmentValid() {
return typeof apex !== 'undefined' &&
typeof apex.env !== 'undefined' &&
typeof apex.env.APP_ID !== 'undefined' &&
parseInt(apex.env.APP_ID, 10) >= 3000 &&
parseInt(apex.env.APP_ID, 10) <= 8999;
// Private methods
function defineTheme(themeName) {
const theme = themes[themeName];
if (theme) {
monaco.editor.defineTheme(`xyz-${themeName}`, theme);
} else {
console.error(`Theme '${themeName}' not found`);
function switchTheme(themeName) {
// Public methods
return {
initializeEditor: function() {
if (typeof monaco === 'object' && isApexEnvironmentValid()) {
monaco.editor.onDidCreateEditor(() => {
} else {
window.addEventListener('load', () => this.initializeEditor());
switchToTheme: function(themeName) {
setTimeout(() => switchTheme(themeName), 0);
addTheme: function(themeName, themeDefinition) {
themes[themeName] = themeDefinition;
// Initialize the Monaco Editor with the theme manager
Reload APEX & you’ll see a purple counter
Open any Oracle APEX Monaco Code Editor to check Dracula Theme is working
This method also supports JavaScript, CSS & HTML
What’s next? Get Dracula Theme for VSCode
Joke: What's Dracula's favorite ice cream flavor? Vein-illa 🤦♂️
Spooky Fact: This blog was published on May 5th 2025, which is 132 years to the day that Jonathon Harker first arrived at Castle Dracula 🦇
What’s the picture? It’s outside the entrance to The Pinewoods - its much less spookier than it looks. Visit Yorkshire!