Creating an OCI Load Balancer for APEX

Creating an OCI Load Balancer for APEX

We are going to create an OCI Load Balancer in its on VCN and configure it with prepared certificates.


  1. Create a VCN as described here - use the examples provided

  2. Update the ADB’s Network Access to Private End Point on the lb-vnc and the subnet-lb-private and use the Network Security Group nsg-lb. For further information how to do this, refer to this guide - including re-downloading your wallet.

  3. Prepare your Certificates by following this guide & make a note of the linked table of where to upload your certificates

Load Balancer

  1. In OCI, click Hamburger > Networking > Load Balancer

  2. Click Create Load Balancer

  3. Name = lb, Virtual cloud network = vnc-lb, Subnet = subnet-lb-public > Click Next

  4. Select Port 443 in the Health Check Policy (for now)

  5. Click Show Advanced Options > Backend set = bs-lb > Click Next

  6. Certificate Resource = Load balancer managed certificate

  7. Upload your Cloudflare SSL certificate file (or refer to the table in this blog for the equivalent Let’s Encrypt Steps)

  8. Check the Specify CA certificate

  9. Upload the Cloudflare RSA PEM (download from here)

  10. Check the Specify Private key

  11. Upload your Cloudflare SSL private key file

  12. Click Next

  13. Change Log Group to Default_Group & Log name to lb-log

  14. Click Submit

Now you are ready to add Backends - Your options are


What’s the picture? Well, I was walking down this footpath in Wetherby and it got real dodgy real quickly, so I took this picture and I legged it. Visit Yorkshire! (but don’t go here)