In this blog,
We are going Vectorize our EMP table by creating embeddings.
We’re going to perform a Vector Search for ‘Who is the President?’
When the record comes back we’ll use Generative AI with the same question to give a natural language response.
I want to present this blog in as few steps are possible. If you want to search PDFs, click here
I like to think of embeddings like the Oracle Date Datatype. I imagine the Date Datatype as some mysterious value that I cannot ever see. I can only ever see a TO_CHAR’ed version of it.. ultimately Oracle probably store it as a non-text value. Same with embeddings; its just some internal format which when I TO_CHAR it, it looks like an array of numbers.
A 23ai Oracle Database - get one here
An Generative AI Service - get one here
A Vector Provider i.e ONNX (I dont have a guide yet) or OCI (Click Here)
Install The EMP/DEPT APEX Sample data set
Database Configuration
Add a VECTOR column
alter table EMP add ("EMBEDDINGS" VECTOR);
Update all Rows with the Embedding of a JSON Object representing the row.
BEGIN FOR x in ( SELECT empno, JSON_OBJECT(*) AS emp_dept_json FROM EMP_DEPT_V ) LOOP UPDATE EMP SET EMBEDDINGS = apex_ai.get_vector_embeddings( p_value => x.emp_dept_json, p_service_static_id => 'OCI_VECTOR' ) WHERE EMPNO = x.EMPNO; END LOOP; END;
Test it out by performing a Vector Search for the President
SELECT JSON_OBJECT( v.* ) x FROM EMP e, EMP_DEPT_V v WHERE e.empno = v.empno ORDER BY vector_distance(embeddings, apex_ai.get_vector_embeddings( p_value => 'Who is the President?', p_service_static_id => 'OCI_VECTOR' )) FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY;
Ask AI to make sense of all this: Paste this as a computation or something
DECLARE -- Constants c_prompt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(4000) := 'Who is the President?'; c_system_prompt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(4000) := 'I will pass you the question followed by a JSON representation of the record. Your answer must be less than 255 Characters. Your response must only relate to the JSON I send you.'; c_service_static_id_vector CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'OCI_VECTOR'; c_service_static_id_ai CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'oci'; -- Variable l_response CLOB; BEGIN -- Query to fetch JSON object of the closest match SELECT JSON_OBJECT(v.*) x INTO l_response FROM EMP e, EMP_DEPT_V v WHERE e.empno = v.empno ORDER BY vector_distance( embeddings, apex_ai.get_vector_embeddings( p_value => c_prompt, p_service_static_id => c_service_static_id_vector)) FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY; -- Generate AI response using APEX_AI package l_response := apex_ai.generate( p_prompt => 'Who is the President and when was he hired ' || l_response, p_system_prompt => c_system_prompt, p_service_static_id => c_service_static_id_ai); RETURN l_response; END;
If you see this… you cannot call apex_ai.generate outside an APEX Session.
What's the picture? Its a view of The Inspire at Hornbeam Park. Take a look inside. Visit Yorkshire!